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Tisana Snellente e Purificante di 10 Erbe | Confezione Regalo Natalizia per il Benessere.

La nostra valutazione
Fascia di prezzo € 9-10MIGLIOR PREZZO
[AUTHENTIC ITALIAN QUALITY] Hortia is an innovative Italian company that has created a line of teas specially designed to promote well-being and detoxify the body. Detox Herbal Tea, with its carefully selected blend of herbs and its draining action, helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins, making it easier to...


[AUTHENTIC ITALIAN QUALITY] Hortia is an innovative Italian company that has created a line of teas specially designed to promote well-being and detoxify the body. Detox Herbal Tea, with its carefully selected blend of herbs and its draining action, helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins, making it easier to achieve your health goals. ☘️ [PREMIUM BLEND] Its powerful nutrients such as Nettle, Birch, and Fennel are effective in reducing bloating in the belly and toning the legs and hips, thanks to their diuretic action, which is often used to combat water retention and cellulite. Completely natural formula with no artificial flavors or colors to ensure safe results for your body. [DRAINING AND DETOXIFYING] Powerful yet delicately flavored, harmonious, and refreshing. It gives a feeling of lightness to the belly, legs, and hips. A moment of physical and mental well-being without sacrificing taste. Its balanced mix is aromatic on the palate, leaving a pleasant floral aftertaste. Functional herbal tea that can also be enjoyed cold! [THE 21-DAY CHALLENGE] Try following a controlled calorie diet and an exercise program for 21 days to develop a new healthy habit. Each Detox Herbal Tea bag contains 21 daily servings of a blend of herbs that have proven effective in combating water retention and abdominal bloating. [YOUR WELLNESS ALLY] Relax and treat yourself to a moment of well-being this Christmas with Detox Herbal Tea, a precious ally for your health that will arrive in a convenient resealable and freshness-preserving gift package, preserving the floral aroma of its 10 herbs. Perfect packaging for a Christmas gift! A functional infusion for drainage that not only detoxifies but also reduces bloating, has a diuretic effect, and fights cellulite.

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Tisana Snellente e Purificante di 10 Erbe | Confezione Regalo Natalizia per il Benessere.

Sempre più persone si rivolgono all'erboristeria per risolvere piccoli fastidi quotidiani o semplicemente per cercare tisane naturali per migliorare la propria salute. Ma se non hai tempo di andare nella bottega, su Hortia puoi trovare un'infinità di preparazioni per tutte le tue esigenze! La proposta di tisana che ho provato era davvero interessante, con erbe come il Mate, che ha una lunga storia come bevanda quotidiana in Argentina, e il tè verde combinato con altre erbe conosciute da secoli per le loro proprietà benefiche. Sono rimasto positivamente sorpreso dalla composizione e dalla qualità delle erbe. È da una settimana che sto godendo di questa tisana e mi piace moltissimo! Ha un sapore fresco e gradevole e l'ho persino sostituita con il mio solito tè verde giapponese a colazione e dopo il pasto principale. Per ottenere i benefici, è importante berla regolarmente e in buone quantità. Il mio consiglio è di gustarla subito dopo averla lasciata in infusione per 5 minuti. Merita davvero 5 stelline, soprattutto considerando l'eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo e l'uso di ingredienti biologici e certificati. Consiglio vivamente di provarla,...

Cosa ci piace di questo regalo?

[AUTHENTIC ITALIAN QUALITY] Hortia is an innovative Italian company that has created a line of teas specially designed to promote well-being and detoxify the body. Detox Herbal Tea, with its carefully selected blend of herbs and its draining action, helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins, making it easier to achieve your health goals. ☘️ [PREMIUM BLEND] Its powerful nutrients such as Nettle, Birch, and Fennel are effective in reducing bloating in the belly and toning the legs and hips, thanks to their diuretic action, which is often used to combat water retention and cellulite. Completely natural formula with no artificial flavors or colors to ensure safe results for your body. [DRAINING AND DETOXIFYING] Powerful yet delicately flavored, harmonious, and refreshing. It gives a feeling of lightness to the belly, legs, and hips. A moment of physical and mental well-being without sacrificing taste. Its balanced mix is aromatic on the palate, leaving a pleasant floral aftertaste. Functional herbal tea that can also be enjoyed cold! [THE 21-DAY CHALLENGE] Try following a controlled calorie diet and an exercise program for 21 days to develop a new healthy habit. Each Detox Herbal Tea bag contains 21 daily servings of a blend of...

Fascia di prezzo € 9-10TROVA IL MIGLIOR PREZZO


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